Oxford Karma
Oxford Karma is an Oklahoma-based arts and entertainment website that I co-founded in 2015. As the site's publisher, editor-in-chief, social media manager, sales director and web developer, I wore quite a few of its proverbial hats. But I carved out time to write as often as I could, covering everything from state and local politics to reasons why boneless wings are better than bone-in. Here are some of my most noteworthy pieces (of writing, not chicken).
In defense of boneless wings
"Have you ever bitten into a bone-in wing and clamped down on some cartilage? Of course you have, and you know it’s the worst. It might actually be the most unpleasant food-eating experience you can have — up there with biting a popcorn kernel and finding an amputated finger in your McRib."
Best of Enemies movie review
"For better or worse, political punditry and slanted cable news commentary are 2015 America’s de facto information resources. And it all started with ABC’s televised debates between William Buckley and Gore Vidal, portrayed with appropriately crafty and captivating fashion in Best of Enemies."
Oxford Karma's Endless Summer Announcement
"On Saturday, Aug. 29, we’re throwing a big ol’ party at Native Sound Stage— one of our favorite Oklahoma City venues — complete with more than 10 of our favorite musical acts this state has to offer. Our friends at COOP Ale Works and The Loaded Bowl will be there as well, filling your little bellies with local libations and delicious, vegan-friendly food. We’re calling it Oxford Karma’s Endless Summer, and we hope you’ll come hang."
Giveaway: The War on Drugs
"The War on Drugs — America’s finest purveyors of beer commercial lead guitar and creators of, to these ears, the best damn album of 2014 — are coming through Tulsa’s historic Cain’s Ballroom April 5. The show marks the band’s first Oklahoma appearance, and outside of a neighborhood barbecue, I can’t think of a single better venue to see them in."
The 5 Best Patios In Oklahoma City
"Patiotime is my favorite season of the year, a season in which humans and the sun coexist under the same Corona-embroidered umbrella. But unless you’re one of those privileged jerks with access to a pool, you only have about, oh, a month or so before it gets too friggin’ hot to do anything outside, let alone sit at a table with friends and drink pitchers of beer. So soak this glorious time of year up and enjoy one of the many patio offerings Oklahoma City has to offer."
Oklahoma's racism problem
"Oklahoma became the country’s poster child for racism yesterday — 50 years after the civil rights marches in Selma, Alabama — after a video surfaced showing Sigma Alpha Epsilon members at the University of Oklahoma reciting a bigoted, hateful, and discriminatory chant. The saddest part? The rest of the country wasn’t at all surprised."